Dec 12, 2011

Dec 12, 2011


Ok so i dont have very much time at all this week cause were going ice skating for our Zone Activity in about Five minutes. anyways we had our christmas party this week and it was super fun. haha we sang in it to. every auxilary had to do something so we sang a song called Hawaiian Santa. there was so much food to. lots of pig.... i love me some pig yeah. anyways can you all believe that im going on transfer numba 3, crazy right. im getting a new companion this week to and guess what else... wait for it... im training a new missionary! im pretty excited about this yeah. all the other elders in my zone are hoping that i get a black missionary. im the only black missionary in hawaii by the way. i dont care who he is but he better not be a little butt head. but yeah im super excited to train. are you all excited for Christmas cause i am. its still like 70 degrees here though so not gonna lie it doesnt really feel to much like christmas. im sure you are all enjoying the christmas weather though and i hope you guys are using the snow to your advantage... S

OOOOPPPPSSSS, my bad i accidentally sent the last email with out finishing. but anyways i hope you guys are snowboarding and skiing. dang i miss it so much but thats ok, i love what im doing here. im outta time but i love all of you and i hope you are all enjoying the Christmas Holidays. Christmas is about giving and showing your love for someone so go out and share your love with someone, i know you all love the church so maybe go share your testimony ok... cool! i love all of you keep the letters and emails coming. ALOHA!!!!!!!

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